These are some of the ways our community gathers from month to month. Come join us!
Worship every Sunday is at 10:15am. Please click here to learn more.
BEGINNING IN AUGUST 2021 —- Sunday morning Faith Formation for all ages is every Sunday at 9am. The Children and Youth are jumping into the church year and the Bible stories from our Sunday worship readings, as well as learning how to play the bells!
TUESDAYS TOGETHER, 1st Tuesday Book Club, 2nd Tuesday Game Night, 3rd Tuesday Arts and Crafts, 4th Tuesday Music Night.
Third Sunday we bring our food donations for our local feeding shelter, "Isaiah's Kitchen".
Our children collect loose change on Sunday mornings at the end of the Children's Sermon time.
GOD'S WORK OUR HANDS is our community project. Making homeless mats out of grocery or shopping bags crocheted together. We collect bags each Sunday. Be sure to drop yours by. Don’t waste, reuse.